First, sorry for not uploading stuff, I was busy with LNA. But we have got a rigged minifig! Its not animated, just rigged. I hope that Zaxzax want to animate it, because I can’t 😛 Hope I can post more soon! -Brick    

We haven´t post much a time, sorry for that. I have worked on Brick Village and the LNA demo. Brick Village is about 60 procent ready now (I redesigned it a bit) and here are some screenshots from a up view from Brick Village and a map concept for that part. This is not hole […]

I worked forwarth on the game in unity, this is the result. I didnt copied the skunk from LU, I remaded it in LDD.

This shows a very early test. Because the animations are not ready, I used a other player. Hope you guys like this 😛

I have worked on a TBT property in unity and sketchup. This is the result: a property based on the unreleased LU property Mountain View. Because the game is a bit LU pre-alpha-ish, I putted a remodded Youreeka house on it. The blue thing in the middle of the Property is the build zone. Hope […]

Hello all! I just want to show you the things we have ready. The (not working yet) backpack and health/enemie script.   I was thinking about a new name/game name too because our name looks a bit the same as TLT. The team name is not sure if we change it, but I got a […]

Hello all! Because the only thing we have right now posted on the site is some info, I thought it was time for a new post: minifigures! We have some NPC’s already, but we dont have names, and we have about 8 minifigures (npc’s) ready. Because our project is in early stages, you can donate your […]

tbt test npc 6

Hello and welcome on our site! Our game is currently in development, for more info please check the page ‘what is the Brick Team?’